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Panorama dos museus na Ibero-América | Edição 2020

Esta publicação, promovida pelo Programa Ibermuseus através de seu Observatório Ibero-Americano de Museus, compila informações básicas sobre as estruturas governamentais que articulam a gestão pública dos museus nos 22 países da região. O conhecimento geral das instituições de gestão, assim como das diversas regulamentações ou políticas nacionais, constitui uma base inestimável para inspirar o fortalecimento progressivo do setor museológico na região como um todo. O conteúdo deste Panorama é atualizado regularmente com base nas informações fornecidas pelos países; portanto, o Panorama aspira a ser uma ferramenta dinâmica, refletindo a evolução e o progresso das políticas dos museus na Ibero-América.


Freedom & Creativity: Defending art, defending diversity

Building on the recommendations put forth in the 2018 Global Report, this special edition provides an overview of current advances and challenges in the legal protection of artistic freedom, the protection of the social and economic rights of artists and cultural professionals and the monitoring of artistic freedom at the national, regional and international levels.

Culture | 2030 Indicators (2019)

The UNESCO Thematic Indicators for Culture in the 2030 Agenda (Culture|2030 Indicators) is a framework of thematic indicators whose purpose is to measure and monitor the progress of cul-ture’s contribution to the national and local imple-mentation of the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Culture & working conditions for artists

The UNESCO study Culture & Working Conditions for Artists uncovers persisting and emerging challenges artists and cultural professionals face and examines how countries around the world are addressing these issues through policymaking.  The study is based on a quadrennial global survey conducted in 2018 on the impact of the 1980 Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist, designed to track developments and identify emerging trends related to the status of the artist: over 90 responses from UNESCO Member States and non-governmental organizations were received.

Estatísticas da Cultura - INE

O Instituto Nacional de Estatística divulga a publicação Estatísticas da Cultura  que disponibiliza informação sobre diversos temas e domínios culturais: ensino; emprego; índice de preços no consumidor de bens e serviços culturais; participação cultural, despesas das famílias em lazer, recreação e cultura, empresas do sector cultural e criativo; comércio internacional de bens culturais; património cultural; artes plásticas; materiais impressos e de literatura; cinema; artes do espetáculo; radiodifusão e financiamento das atividades culturais e criativas.
Os dados mais recentes referem-se ao ano de 2021.

Culture statistics | 2019 edition

This fourth edition of publication Culture statistics — 2019 edition presents a selection of indicators on culture pertaining to cultural employment, international trade in cultural goods, cultural enterprises, cultural participation and the use of the internet for cultural purposes, as well as household and government cultural expenditure. It presents also data on tertiary students in cultural fields of study, learning foreign languages and international tertiary students’ mobility. In addition, one chapter is devoted to cultural heritage.

Data cover the European Union (EU) and its Member States, and (subject to data availability) the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) and enlargement countries.

ESSnet-culture (2012)

On several occasions, the European Council has underlined the need to develop cultural statistics and the European Parliament has regretted the absence of data in this field. Meanwhile, the European Commission, and Eurostat in particular, carried out a significant work back in 1997 on structuring the data and the methodology for cultural statistics, which led to the establishment of the Leadership Group Culture (LEG-Culture), then the publication of the first Cultural statistics in Europe Pocketbook in 2007.
The establishment of the Woking Group European Statistical System Network on Culture (ESSnet-Culture), coordinated by the Luxembourgish Ministry of Culture, is a new step for the European cultural statistical cooperation, which will take the development of knowledge on cultural statistics to another level.
The report ESSnet-Culture is the main result of two years of works of this European workgroup on cultural statistics.


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